Did you get Vata?
Mama, Did you get Vata?
Any idea what this means? Well…let’s break it down!
If your primary dosha is Vata is a combination of ether and air, meaning it’s all about “movement”. It helps move everything in the body, including heartbeats, nerve impulses, muscle contractions, breathing, blinking, digestive tract, etc.
When your Vata is balanced, you can move smoothly and think clearly. You are quick to remember things but can easily forget them. If your Vata, you tend to be slim, have small eyes, and have dry hair.
So how do you balance your Vata?
You can do this by incorporating nutritious meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Here’s a quick meal prep ideas you can try this week!
Don’t ever skip breakfast! For Vata predominant constitution, breakfast is key to help balance and stabilize your dosha.
Lunch is just as important as breakfast, so make sure you eat while the sun is at its peak high. During lunch time, it’s the best time to include grains, leafy greens, and vegetables to your diet.
For dinner eat a lighter and warmer meal before sunset.
Balance your dosha with nourishing and warm foods. Give this a try and see how you feel in the evening. Keep a journal where you write down what you eat throughout the day and notice any differences in your body. The more you implement nourishing foods that decrease your Vata the better you will feel.