5 Steps to NOT experience BURNOUT during the holidays!

break the cycle and this is how!

It’s been a while since I last wrote one of my blogs….

Aside from grieving the loss of my fur baby, I’ve been dealing with moving, starting a new job as a yoga instructor, and launching my 6 Week Yoga Regeneration Program for the third time! BUSY BUSY COUPLE OF MONTHS!

But the bi-weekly blogs are BACK! 

I’m so excited to continue to share this space with all my moms, but honestly, anyone who can resonate with improving your overall health!

Before we dive into the topic of BURNOUT…let’s define what burnout is.

According to the WHO, burnout is defined as “ a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed”.

It is characterized by three dimensions:

  • feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;

  • increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and

  • reduced professional efficacy.

Can you resonate with this?

Let’s take a quick quiz…reply YES or NO to each of the following questions below.

Do you constantly feel…

  1. Reduced efficiency and reduced energy in the past few weeks or months? 

  2. Lower level of motivation?

  3. Increased errors at work or in your memory?

  4. Constantly feeling fatigued?

  5. Suffer from constant headaches or muscle tension?

  6. Constantly feeling irritable or increased frustration?

  7. Dealing with high levels of stress and anxiety? 

  8. Suspicious?

  9. Constantly having trouble sleeping?

  10. Feeling trapped or stuck?

  11. Use of alcohol or substances to cope? 

  12. Constantly feeling worried about work when you’re not at work?

  13. Lost interest in your job or day-to-to-day activities? 

If your response is 60% or higher, you may be dealing with a high sense of BURNOUT!

So how can we decrease this sense of burnout? 

  1. Allow yourself time and space to get to know yourself 

  2. Monitor your lifestyle - notice how you feel by being still, take a few minutes a day to meditate, and become aware.

  3. Manage your stress - this may mean canceling an event or pushing a meeting to make more time for yourself. 

  4. Allow yourself to find different mentors to handle your stress - find a therapist or coach that can help you manage your stress.

  5. Continue this cycle

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at arosales@yogaandrealucia.com.

May the divine light shine within you.  





don’t let the cold + flu stop you this winter!


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